Systemic coaching gives space to view actual challenges from different perspectives, detect underlying subjects and issues and frame them in a more inclusive way. And by doing so it opens possibilities to develop new solutions that fit to ones own person and capabilities. Especially if prior support options have failed, coaching often is the right format.
As an active member of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Coaching (DGfC), the largest German sole coaching organization, I explicitly support and follow their ethic guidlines. Respect, an appreciative attitude towards earlier solutions and the focus on possibilities rather than deficits are guiding my work.
Individual Coaching
Some subjects are better adressed in the well-proven, confidential atmosphere of individual coaching. Systemic coaching gives the opportunity for new perspectives and approaches regarding a subject. I.e. during change phases in the job or regarding ones own work-life balance.
Working with me you will meet an experienced coach who is practical minded. I will guide you towards your best solutions with clarity and a sense of humor.
Possible occasions:
- Role clarification and orientation with new tasks
- Dealing with leadership challenges in the workplace
- Feeling professionally or personally overwhelmed or being in a crisis
- Upcoming changes, which you want to support propperly as a leader
- Fixed own behaviors which call for alternatives
- Challenges between professional and private life
Online Coaching:
Sometimes situations or distances make it necessary to use alternative means of communication in coaching. For these occasions I offer live-coaching via ZOOM or CAI-World. CAI-World is easily accessible via browser and does not require any additional software installations. If you are new in mode of communication - be relaxed! It is easy and bears many opportunities and media to work with. I am happy to help you as my (future) coaching customer to get started eiter via mail-instructions or over the phone. Just send me an email or give me a call!
Team Coaching
Teams sometimes need assistance to lead their way of cooperation on a more constructive course.Frequent changes, high work loads, unclear structures or hidden conflicts can be the causes. Clarified goals and structural questions and defined roles often allow significant improvements in cooperation. With a systemic perspective and a vast experience I acompany teams through their clarification processes.
By that teams can - within the organizations options - find to their own best solutions.
Coaching for Coaches in Training
The format "Traing Coaching" offers for coaches in training to become coaches the opportunity, to carify their profile as professional coaches. And they can deepen their understanding of methods and their application and reflect on their coaching practice in a one-on-one setting. As an experienced coach and trainer for coaches I offer my support for this process. Vivid learning, tangible and powerful - that is my focus!
My own training offer on systemic counselling and systemic coaching in Cologne